User Guide and OpenRocket Files
Everything is Included

Anodized Aluminum Centering Rings
Unique fin and motor mount system that is super strong and lightweight.

No Epoxy Fin Assembly
Easily swappable fins to customize your rocket however you like.

Hardware and Tools
The Fishhawk rocket comes with all the tools and hardware needed to assemble and fly.

Injection Molded Nose Cone
Strong and impact resistant nose cone with integrated shock cord attachment.

Light Weight Kraft Airframe
Forgiving airframe that is easy to work with.

Recovery Gear
Parachute, shock cord, and nomex parachute protector all included.
Tech Specs

Motor Selection
Fishhawk can most all 38mm motors. It is recommended that Fishhawk flies on H and I motors.

High quality machining and additive manufacturing to make a strong lightweight structure to keep your rocket flying for years.

External Dimensions
~3 LB Assembled

Typical Flight Trajectory
Fishhawk is designed for a simple motor, single parachute deployment. By setting an appropriate delay on your motor, your parachute will deploy allowing it to safely return to earth without the need of additional avionics.